9 Important And Cool Tips And Tricks Of Facebook

9 Important And Cool Tips And Tricks Of Facebook

  • As social media, Facebook is so popular that it has now become an essential part of our daily lives.

  • We are so much focused on Facebook that if you want to stay in the city for a whole day is not impossible. 

  • Hourly stats update, in friend's picture, Taking a fun tuition or protesting   against an injustice - what is happening through it!

  • But many are not aware of all the features of Facebook. 
  • Here are some important features of Facebook.

1) Make friends list

  • If you want to tune a picture or picture that some friends can see, then you can make a list with those friends. 
  • At First go here:  https://www.facebook.com/bookmarks/lists
  • Go to this link and click the Create List button to create a list with the desired name.
  • Then add your friends in it.

2) Time of each tune Define
  • It was important that you tune something at a particular time.
  • You did not get it because of the rush - if this is the case, then you can set the time to tune it later.
  • For this, you have to click the clock icon below the status box.

3) Open the secret group
  • Want to open a group that is close friends?
  • Which one can never see anyone else? 
  • Yes, Facebook gives you the advantage of that feature. 
  • The time to open the new group-
  • Make privacy secret and add friends to it. 
  • No other than a member of the group-
  • Your group will not be found.

4) Download complete photo album together
  • Suddenly, your computer's hard drive was formatted and you deleted all your favorite pictures. 
  • At that moment you can decide to download all images again from your Facebook album.
  • But after downloading some pictures, you realize that downloading a picture in such a way is really a matter of great difficulty. 
  • Want the solution? 
  • PICK ZIP you can see full album photos Provides to be able to download simultaneously. 
  • Go to click hereat this address.

5) Chat with specific friends

  • Want to chat with certain friends from offline?
  • Open the Chat box by clicking the Options icon on the right and set whom you want to stay online or with whom you want to stay offline.

6) Turn off annoying apps invitations

  • On Facebook, there will be trouble finding a user who has never received any games or invites from any of his friends. 
  • Occasionally this matter becomes very painful. 
  • What to do if you want to get rid of?
  • https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=blocking
  • Go to this address and decide who will never be able to send invitations to you. 
  • You can also block apps.

9) Always delete Facebook account 
  • Sometimes it is necessary to keep Facebook account deactivated due to some favorable reasons. 
  • For that go this link -  http://www.facebook.com/deactivate.php 
  • You can deactivate your account by going to this address. 
  • As long as you the account is deactivated, no one will be able to find you on Facebook.
  • If you want, you can log in again with the user name / email and password and return to facebook.
  • If you want Facebook to autocomplete your account after a certain period of time, then select the auto reactivate box and select how many days after reactivation you want to pick it.
  • Do you want to delete your account forever?
  • Go to http://www.facebook.com/help/delete_account At this address. 
  • Click the Delete My Account button.
  • Facebook will tell you.....
  • How long will it take to delete the account.