Over3.5 billion people regularly use Facebook.
And as the social network has grown, the rate at which Facebook shares news, and releases new features and products has accelerated.
It can be a little hard to keep up sometimes.
With this in mind, I’d love to share 11 Facebook tips, tricks, and facts with you.
This post will give you plenty of great stuff to help you get the most out of and better understand Facebook. From why you get shown certain ads and which types of posts get the most engagement, to how closely connected you everyone else on the planet and much, much more.
Let’s go!

1. How to edit your Facebook ad preferences:
Have you at any point seen an irregular promotion show up in your course of events and asked why Facebook is demonstrating it to you? 

It presumably has a remark with your Advert Preferences – a determination of themes Facebook accepts you're keen on in light of your profile, Pages you like or connect with, promotions you tap on and applications and sites you utilize. 

It's super fascinating to see more about what points Facebook accepts you're keen on and inside your Facebook settings, you can see and even alter these inclinations. 

To take a look at your inclinations, tap on Settings in the upper right corner of Facebook:
Then select Adverts, and click ‘Edit’ next to ‘Ads based on my preferences:

You’ll then see the below screen, click ‘Visit Ad Preferences’ to view and edit your preferences:

Now, you’ll be taken to the page where you can view and edit all of your ad preferences:

It's entrancing to jump into every class and look at the themes recorded inside your inclinations. On the off-chance that you'd jump at the chance to expel any of your inclinations, and not get promotions targeted to that subject, you can do as such by floating over and tapping the "x" button: